Tuesday 14 February 2012

Heritage Heals in Hiraizumi

©UNESCO/Cynthia GuttmanFlanked by two monks, Parliamentary Vice-Minister for Foreign Affairs Mr Hamada, Senior Vice Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Ms Yuko Mori; UNESCO Director-General Irina Bokova; Governor of Iwate Prefecture Mr Tasso and Mayor of Hiraizumi Mr Sugawara, with the certificate for the World Heritage Site of Hiraizumi.
日本東北3.11大地震所造成的破壞, 至今仍難以釋懷。在大地震發生後三個月, 災區附近的平泉地區, 以佛教清淨地之代表, 成功入選世界文化遺產。

為顯對平泉的重視及支持, 聯合國教科文組織秘書長, 打破慣例, 親身到日本平泉頒發世界文化遺產證書。與此同時, 亦感謝日本於這25年間設立UNESCO-Japanese Funds-in-Trust 資助聯合國內的不同項目, 包括世界文化遺產

若希望了解更多有關資料, 可參考以下網頁:
平泉: http://hiraizumi.or.jp/
UNESCO-Japanese Funds-in-Trust : http://www.unesco.emb-japan.go.jp/htm/jpfundsintrust.htm

13.02.2012 - ODG

It is rare for a Director-General to present a certificate of world heritage in person, but the temples, gardens and archaeological site of Hiraizumi, inscribed on the List in 2011, marked an exception.

Located in north-east Japan, the 12th-century site, representing the Buddhist Pure Land gained its world heritage status three months after the earthquake and tsunami devastated the surrounding region.

“I am here to show solidarity with the people of Japan, especially here, where you were so hard hit by the tsunami and earthquake,” said UNESCO’s Director-General Irina Bokova, during a ceremony and press conference held at Hiraizumi’s Cultural Heritage Centre on 13 February 2012. “I am also here to thank Japan that has always been ready to assist all those in need….The serenity of the temples and gardens of Hiraizumi stands in poignant contrast with the deep wounds of a region hit hard by the earthquake of 11 March 2011.”

During the ceremony, Mrs Bokova gave the World Heritage site certificate to Mr Takuya Tasso, Governor of Iwate Prefecture and Mr Masayoshi Sugawara, Mayor of Hiraizumi. Both referred to the designation as “a great encouragement for all the people living in the disaster areas.”
A further source of pride for the people of Hiraizumi was the launch, the same day, of the 40th anniversary of the World Heritage Convention in Japan in their town. “World heritage is an idea that brings us together. It is a simple idea, but a revolutionary one,” said Mrs Bokova. “Today our greatest challenge is no longer only to save temples,” referring to the Abu Simbel operation in Egypt in the early 1960s. “It is to respond to the pressures of climate change, rapid urbanization, mass tourism and natural disasters. … It is up to us to find the best way for each heritage site to ensure its protection and to make the most of it as a source of solidarity, inclusion and progress.”

She praised Japan for championing the success of the World Heritage Convention, referring to projects it finances through UNESCO-Japanese Funds-in-Trust in 25 countries. Japan counts 16 World Heritage sites, of which 12 are cultural and 4 natural.

The launching ceremony was followed by a panel discussion on cultural heritage and disaster management.

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